疏浚管道Dredging Pipeline
疏浚管道应用于将材料输送到***区域。有不同材料类型的管道可供选择。而传统的管道都是由钢管和浮子组成,现在LLDPE(低密度聚乙烯)、UHMW(***分子量)等管材也已经被***应用,这也取决于需要输送的材料。 管道一般通过法兰连接,通过螺栓将法兰部件连接在一起,操作非常简便。
Dredging Pipe is used to transfer the material to the requested area.There are many different material types pipe can be choosed.Traditional pipes are made of steel pipes and floats.Now HDPE(High density Polyethylene(HDPE)UHMWs)and other pipes have been widely used,the correction option should depends on the materials to be transported.The pipe is usually connected by fiange,and flange parts are connected together by bolt,which is very easy to operate.